Lash extensions & pregnancy: Is it safe?
Several moms weighed-in on to discuss their experience with eyelash extensions while expecting. While quite a few mentioned it was a-ok, others made valid arguments against going for it.
Others note the fumes emitted by the adhesive used; more mention that while the lash extensions themselves are safe, it is lying on pregnant clients lying on their backs for a long period of time that is difficult--and possibly risky! They recommend asking your technician if she minds allowing you to have a break between eyes, or if it is possible to put the chair at an incline. One expecting mother explains that putting a pillow under her legs made the process more comfortable.
BrittWhitlock writes, “It is completely safe as long as you are seeing a professional that is using professional products. I am a lash stylist and I've had many clients throughout their entire pregnancy get lash extensions. Some are told to be cautious of [lying] completely flat for an extended period of time, so I would elevate the bed; other than that, there is no harm. If you are very sensitive to smells and if the adhesive they [are] using has a strong scent, you may smell it since it's usually near your face while they are applying the extensions. However, they should keep the room ventilated well to minimize [the] smell, if [there is] any. Of course, [you should] ask your doctor, but that's my knowledge of it. If you're seeing a professional, you should be okay. If you haven't had extensions before and you have sensitive skin, you could have an allergic reaction to the adhesive. So if that's a worry, ask about doing a test to rule out any reactions before getting the full set.”

Christinereedla also brings up a good point:
“I have been doing eyelash extensions for 8 years. I think it is important to use a sensitive glue for pregnant women. Nothing is attached to the skin during this process and if the person is certified and applying the lashes properly there should be no fumes. If you feel like there are a lot of fumes during your treatment, I would not do eyelash extensions during your pregnancy as this could not be the correct type of glue for pregnant women. Plus, a lot of pregnant women love to have the lashes for [their] delivery, as the lashes last for weeks and make you feel more confident if you are being filmed.”
Sher16 on explains her experience with lashing pregnant women:
“I do my friends lashes; she is 7 months [along]. I have [done so] since she was 14 weeks [pregnant] (she went without [them] from weeks 0-12). She lies on her side with my body pillow as support and twists her head to side so her head is still positioned correctly for me. She actually says [that] she is really comfy, and if she isn’t [comfortable], she sits up for a bit!”
Eye Design’s founder and Master Technician Nadia Afanaseva has a similar opinion on the matter.
“We have been lashing for 10 years and have had tons of pregnant clients during that time,” she says.
“It is completely safe. None of them have had an allergic reaction of any kind.”
The myth that lash extensions may not be safe for pregnant clients comes from improper techniques at other studios, Afanaseva continues.
“As a precaution, Eye Design uses a more gentle glue and more gentle procedures on our expecting patients. And for clients far-along in their pregnancies, we suggest splitting up appointments.”
Instead of coming in every four weeks, Afanaseva recommends clients in the later months of their pregnancies come in every two weeks for shorter appointments. Similarly, if Eye Design has been seeing a client for lash extensions for a while before she becomes pregnant, using a more gentle glue is not always necessary.

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